
Area: 505,370 km2

Geography: Spain, located in southwestern Europe, bordering the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, is one of the most climatically diverse countries in Europe. The country is characterized by a distinct temperate zone compromising hot, dry summer and mild, wet winters. The overlap between humid and semiarid and arid is influenced by the diverse maritime, continental, and mountain climates. Over half of the land under use, it is divided into arable land, permanent crops, and permanent pasture. (CIA, 2024)

Land degradation: Spain faces serious soil degradation creating significant challenges as a large surface of the Spanish territory is occupied by agricultural activities, constituting one of the main land’s uses due to its importance or the country’s economy. The constant intensification of agricultural activities, deforestation, and destructive practices have generated an impact on soil health. Large parts of Spain are also susceptible to desertification which are exacerbated by prolonged droughts and climate change. (Rodríguez-Berbel et al, 2022​​​​​​​)

Sustainable Land Management: Spain has made major progress in adopting sustainable land management practices to combat environmental challenges. The countries environmental priorities are the fight against desertification and protection of forests aligning with the sustainable development goal 15 (SDG 15). The Spanish government uses pioneering systems to monitor droughts related issues, setting up early warning systems and adopt a proactive approach to drought management. With the implementation of a CAP Strategic Plan, Spain aims to transition towards a smart, sustainable, and resilient agricultural sector. (European Commission, 2024)



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