Green Growth Knowledge Platform

The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) is a growing network of leading organisations and experts dedicated to providing policy guidance, good practices, tools, and data to support the transition to a green economy.

The GGKP actively supports knowledge-based policymaking through the recently launched Green Growth Expert Connect service, which provides policymakers from developing countries with free-of-charge access to technical and policy experts for quick and tailored guidance on a range of green economy topics. 

The GGKP has an active Expert Working Group on Natural Capital, which explores state-of-the-art methods, models, data and tools in order to achieve three goals:

  • To push the knowledge frontier around natural capital and green growth;
  • To help mainstream natural capital in global green growth activities; and
  • To support stronger implementation of natural capital commitments in national economic plans.

The group was launched at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, DC in late 2017, and this overview provides a snapshot of the group’s progress in its first year of operation, as well as new developments on the horizon for 2019 and beyond.

The GGKP is also a core partner in the Economics for Nature programme, a six-year initiative focused on ensuring that nature has a voice in economic and planning processes, alongside the Green Economy Coalition (GEC), the Natural Capital Coalition, WWF France, and Finance Watch.

The GGKP was established in 2012, and is led by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the OECDUN Environment, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). and the World Bank.