Area: 475,440 kmĀ²
Geography: The climate in Cameroon varies along with terrain, from tropical climate along the coast to semiarid and hot climate in the north. While there is a coastal plain in the southwest, a dessected plateau can be found in the center, mountains in the west and plains in the north. 20.6 percent of Cameroon's land is under agricultural use. Agriculture makes up 16.7 percent of the country's GDP with 70 percent of the country's labor force working in agriculture. Products are cassava, plantains, maize, oil palm fruit, sugar cane, sorghum, bananas, and others. Among the main export commodities are cocoa beans and bananas. (CIA, 2022)
Land Degradation: As a result of deforestation and overgrazing, the country is severely affected by erosion, desertification and reduced quality of pasture land. Cereal production losses occur due to soil erosion induced land degradation. (CIA, 2022)
Sustainable Land Management: Sustainable land management practices such as forest beekeping have been introduced. Cameroon has established its National Action Programme to Combat Desertification in 2006 including activities such as the development of activities related to fallow management and agroforestry and the implementation of a land restoration and rehabilitation of degraded lands. (UNCCD, 2006)

Case Study (2023)
Title: Showing co-benefits of terrestrial natural capital restoration in Cameroon
Content: The study seeks to enhance the understanding of policymakers and other relevant stakeholders regarding the values of terrestrial ecosystem services in a natural capital context to promote terrestrial natural capital restoration policies and practices for the achievement of land-based SDGs. The study is implemented under GGKP, together with the GIZ Forest and Environment Project (ProFE) and GIZ Alliance for Restoration of Forest Landscapes and Ecosystems in Africa (AREECA).Report and accompanying material: Forthcoming
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