Area: 447,400 kmĀ²
Geography: Uzbekistan is a landlocked country in the middle of Central Asia. The east has middle and high mountainous landscapes, which decline to the south and west and transform into plains. There are favourable climatic conditions for the production of various agricultural products. Agriculture is one of the main sectors, and central to the national economy, with an emphasis on cotton and wheat production. (ELD Initiative, 2016)
Land Degradation: Extensive land use practices for crop production exhaust the soil of nutrients, while harvest practices deplete residual organic matter from the field leading to the loss of topsoil, the most productive layer. This degradation had led to a steady loss in land value and benefits derived from it since the 1990s. (ELD Initiative, 2016)
Sustainable Land Management: In February 2017, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Strategy of Actions on Five Priority Directions of Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 was approved. Issues related to combating desertification, land degradation and drought are reflected in priority area 3: "Development and liberalization of the economy", subsection 3.3 "Modernization and intensive development of agriculture". (UNCCD, 2019)

Case Study on Rio Synergies (2024)
Title: Leveraging synergies from integrative land-biodiversity-climate action for improving monitoring, reporting, and investments into land restoration in Uzbekistan
Content: This report aims to leverage synergies from integrative land-biodiversity-climate action for improving monitoring, reporting, and investments into sustainable agri-food system transformations in Uzbekistan.- Policy brief: EN
Case Study on Rio Synergies (2024)
Title: Leveraging synergies from integrative land-biodiversity-climate action through ecosystem restoration in Central Asia
Content: This report aims to leverage synergies from integrative land-biodiversity-climate action for improving monitoring, reporting, and investments into sustainable agri-food system transformations in Central Asia.- Policy brief: EN
Policy Brief (2016)
Title: Diversifying agricultural production, retaining biomass in the field, and planting strips of forest can lead to economic and environmental benefits.
Authors: Nazarkulov U.& Rustamova I. with support from the ELD Initiative and CGIAR
ELD Secretariat