
Area: 181,035 kmĀ²
Geography: Cambodia has a tropical climate with a rainy and a dry season. While it has mostly flat plains, mountains can be found in the Southwest and in the North. (CIA, 2022)
Land Degradation: Significant drivers of land degradation in Cambodia are deforestation, the expansion of agricultural lands as well as unsustainable land management, all of them enforced through climate change. In the recent decade, deforestation has resulted in a significant loss of forest cover. Coastal ecosystems are endangered by sediment washed loose from deforested areas inland. (CIA, 2022; UNCCD, 2018)
Sustainable Land Management: In 2018, Cambodia has established its national voluntary Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) targets with the ambition to achieve LDN by 2030 through restoration activities (reforestation, landscape restoration), forest protection and the reduction of impacts on land. (UNCCD, 2018)

Case Study (2023)
Title: Economic Analysis of Nature-based Solutions for Flood and Drought Resilience of the 9C-9T Sub-basin Report
Authors: GIZ, MRC, ICEM, ELD Initiative, COT & PPIC
Content:The 9C-9T sub-basin of the Mekong River is highly degraded. Over the past two decades the basin has seen significant socio-economic change with increased urbanisation, agricultural expansion and intensification, and unsustainable use of forest resources. Cambodia and Thailand established a partnership in order to improve joint planning and implementation in the sub-basin, aimed at enhancing resilience to floods and droughts. Nature-based Solutions in the basin have been developed as part of the planning process for addressing the challenges posed by floods and droughts. An assessment of the economic performance of NbS and hybrid measures has been commissioned to demonstrate the economic case for investment in NbS approaches.- Report: EN
- Policy Briefs: Transboundary Urban Landscape / Rural Landscape
ELD Secretariat