Move with us from Data to Action towards evidence-based decision making for SDG15 - Life on Land!
The aim of integrated land use planning (ILUP) is to balance different land use interests in the landscape and thus achieve LDN, biodiversity, climate and development goals. However, ILUP processes are often not as effective as they could be. To address current challenges which hinder the effectiveness of integrated land use planning and to identify entry points which can guide participatory ILUP processes, ELD, in partnership with GEO-LDN, WOCAT, FAO and UNCCD, is currently preparing a workshop series on Scenarios for Integrated Land Use Planning (S4ILUP) for the second half of 2022.
The series will consist of the following thematic workshops:
- WS 1: Land use planning expert side - Identifying needs of users involved in ILUP processes
- WS 2: Technical provider side - Analyzing academia and data provider approaches and tools to support land use planning
- WS 3: Joint opportunity scoping – Identifying action points to support scenario development for ILUP
Following the workshop series, a global network of land use planning experts will be maintained and moderated for at least 4 more years, supporting global exchange in this field that is high on political agendas. Find out more about the process on the S4ILUP website.
Call for expression of interest
To lay the foundation for a workshop design which most adequately addresses current gaps and needs for actors in the land use planning field across the globe, an Advisory Board for the process shall be established. Therefore, the organising committee is looking for individuals who are specifically responsible for land use planning in their respective countries.
If you are interested in joining the advisory board, you can check out the ToR here and send an informal e-mail to Rieke Schneider (eldinitiative(at) until May 7th 2022 stating your interest and answering the questions mentioned in the ToR.
If you want to joint the process as a workshop participant, feel free to reach out to us under the same e-mail adress. We are looking forward to shaping this process together with you!