Regreening Africa Project
About the Regreening Africa project

The Reversing Land Degradation in Africa through Scaling-up EverGreen Agriculture ("Regreening Africa") project is restoring ecosystems in eight countries in Africa and improving the resilience of 500,000 households across sub-Saharan Africa. The project started in 2017 and is a joint collaboration with ELD, World Agroforesty, the European Union, World Vision and GIZ.
Between 2017 and 2020, ELD has provided trainings on the 6+1 step economic approach for policy-makers and researchers, and produced a series of case studies in the partner countries of Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, and Somalia. Targeting key institutions from national research and policy sectors, ELD facilitated the joint development of economic assessments in consideration of multiple land use options.

ELD synthesis reports

ELD Synthesis Report
Title: ELD Synthesis Report of the Activities under Component 1 of the ReGreening Africa Project
Content: This report details the findings and lessons learnt from the ELD country studies conducted under component 1 of the Regreening Africa Project.
Publication: September 2020

ELD Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration Report
Title: Analysis of economic benefits from upscaling farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) and other agroforestry systems in West and East Africa
Content: This report summarises the trends in deforestation in the target countries, compiles an overview from literature of sustainable land management (SLM) practices suitable for agricultural and drylands across the target countries, and presents an economic meta-analysis of FMNR based on three (ELD) case studies.
Publication: May 2020
Report: EN
ELD case studies

ELD Case Study of Ethiopia
Title: The Economics of Land Degradation Neutrality in Ethiopia
Content: This study aims to assess the economic benefits and costs of sustainable land management (SLM) towards achieving agricultural land degradation neutrality in Ethiopia and assess how SLM is cost-effective and helpful in achieving a number of other Sustainable Development Goals as co-benefits.
Publication: April 2020
Report: EN

ELD Case Study of Kenya
Title: Economic and Policy Implications of ELD Studies in Kenya under the ReGreening Africa Project
Content: ELD supported three economic valuation studies in different agro-ecological regions of Kenya. The findings demonstrate that the benefits of SLM exceed the costs, providing evidence to policy makers that the costs of inaction – in the form of reduced food productivity and the loss of ecosystem services – are by far greater than the required current investments to address land degradation.
Publication: February 2020
National policy brief: EN
Regional case study 1: Aberdare Water Towers
Regional case study 2: Northern Kenya rangeland management
- Report: EN

ELD Case Study of Mali
Title: The Economics of Cotton Production in Mali and the Challenges of Land Degradation
Content: This study compares the economics of conventional and organic cotton production in the Koutiala and Bougouni counties in Mali.
Publication: April 2020
Policy brief: EN

ELD Case Study of Niger
Title: The economics of SLM practices in Niger
Content: This study presents the key findings of an economic evaluation of six different sustainable land management measures being implemented in four areas in Niger.
National synthesis report: FR
Regional case study 1: Rentabilité de la fixation des dunes au Niger
Regional case study 2: Évaluation économique des pratiques de gestion durable des terres à Maradi, Niger
- Report: FR
Regional case study 3: Économie de la dégradation des terres à Tahoua, Niger
- Report: FR

ELD Case Study of Rwanda
Title: Insights from capacity building on the economics of land degradation in Rwanda
Content: This report synthesises the processes and outputs from capacity building activities that exposed three groups of trainees in Rwanda to ELD's 6+1 step methodology.
Publication: April 2020
Report: EN

ELD Case Study of Senegal
Title: Investir dans la gestion durable des terres au Sénégal pour atténuer les conflits d’usage
Publication: November 2019
National synthesis report: FR
National policy brief: FR
Regional case study 1: Remédier à la dégradation des terres dans la zone sylvo-pastorale du Sénégal
- Report: FR
Regional case study 2: Économie de la dégradation des terres dans une région minière du Sénégal
- Report: FR
Regional case study 3: Économie de la dégradation de la forêt classée de Pata au Sénégal
- Report: FR

ELD Case Study of Somalia
Title: An assessment of the economic impact of land degradation in Somaliland
Content: This report conducts an assessment of the economic impact of land degradation in the case study areas of Baligubadle and Bookh rangelands.
Publication: April 2021
Report: EN