Module: Apply the ELD approach on your own!
Learning objectives:
- Selectively apply and critically evaluate the use of key concepts and methods in cost-benefit analysis including discounted cash flow analysis, measures of project worth and valuation estimates for environmental goods and ecosystem services;
- Identify and compare land management costs and benefits over time for ‘with’ and ‘without’ project scenarios;
- Calculate and interpret investment criteria including net present value and internal rate of return.
For the fictional case study of Eldamia the following scenarios are to be analysed:
In Southern State
- a ‘without project’ or ‘baseline’ scenario consisting of ‘business as usual’ and no continuing change or trend in the current state of land degradation;
- compared to a ‘with project’ sustainable land management (SLM) scenario consisting of investments made and interventions carried out to reduce land degradation and improve ecosystem service provision.
In Northern State
- a ‘without project’ or ‘baseline’ scenario consisting of ‘business-as-usual’ and a continuing trend of worsening land degradation;
- compared to a ‘with project’ SLM scenario consisting of investments made and interventions carried out to reduce land degradation and improve ecosystem service provision.
Estimated time for application:
1 day for each case study, for onsite-trainings it is suggest to split the groups of trainees into two and have another ½ day for presenting the cases to each other and to discuss them

There is no lecture for this module. Please refer to the script. You will receive guidance to the case study and all exercises.

- Module: Self-study module on cost-benefit analysis of sustainable land management projects. Cost-benefit analysis of restoration of crop and rangelands in Eldamia (EN)
- Module: Self-study module on cost-benefit analysis of sustainable land management projects. Cost-benefit analysis of restoration of crop and rangelands in Eldamia (FR)
- Module: Self-study module on cost-benefit analysis of sustainable land management projects. Cost-benefit analysis of restoration of crop and rangelands in Eldamia (RU)
ELD Secretariat
E-Mail: info@eld-initiative.org