Module: Land degradation versus sustainable land management

Learning objectives: 

  • Understand causes, consequences and effects of land degradation, including the impact on different ecosystem services;
  • Be able to categorise land degradation phenomena, esp. according to the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT);
  • Understand the important role that soils play as carbon sink;
  • Be able to categorise sustainable land management measures according to WOCAT and understand the positive long-term effects of these measures;
  • Understand socio-economic barriers for the adoption of SLM measures and know about different political instruments to incentivise SLM;
  • Be aware of the international policy framework of action against land degradation, e.g. the land degradation neutrality framework and the UN decade of ecosystem restoration.

Estimated duration of the lecture: 

30 minutes

Estimated time for further studies:

1-6 hours, depending on the level of previous knowledge and interests


  • Lecture: Land degradation versus sustainable land management - problem dimension

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